Looking Back on 2022
SGH’s Favourite Holiday Activities
How Effective is a Well-Design Office Space
Workplaces Worth Going To Toronto, Vancouver, Halifax
SGH has proudly worked with several local artists to create unique, and creative murals and centerpieces for the companies we work with. Art can create a major impact in the workplace.
Go Hybrid or Go Home!
A HYBRID workplace combines people working remotely and, in the office, with an understanding that there is some flexibility involved. Seems straight forward, but what exactly does it look like? Your culture, focus, location, size, growth projections, how you work
Envision The Future Of Workplace Planning for your Future
Is your workplace ready for the future? SGH’s Envision design strategy gets you there. We have discussed in some previous blogs our 3 tier model when it comes to our Envision Strategy. Tier One: Planning for Now Tier Two: Planning for Transition Tier Three:
Story Time, Behind the Scenes of Designing Conuma Coal Vancouver, British Columbia
SGH’s 5 Main Sectors of Workplace Design
For over three decades SGH has been delivering transformative business environments and unparalleled service. We specialize in “Workplace Design Solutions” with a focus in five major sectors : Financial Services, Technology, Consumer Brand, Professional Services and Legal. Our three studios across
This year, December 1st, 2021, marks SGH's 35th year in business! We are so proud to continue providing exceptional quality design services for our clients and how far we have come over the years as a team. SGH has grown tremendously