The Future of Workplace Envisioning with Creative Minds
At SGH we thought it would be fun to ask our designers what they see for the future of workplace. As a full-service design company, you can imagine we are a creative group. We wanted our design team to think as outside of the box as they wanted, without limitations, and here are some of their thoughts on how, the future of workplace could look.
“We could go full extreme to virtual reality whereby we don’t have to leave where we live for work of any kind. Houses are built or retrofit with VR pods that you enter for the workday. Working hours become online and life hours become offline. A hard separation between work/life is maintained. A return to the 9-5 workday.”
“I think it may push companies to work more remotely. As that has already been a pretty big trend before all of this happened, I think this might just be an extra push”
“The future office will no longer be the conventional office that we have been designing in the past. Companies will need to look internally into what role the physical office means to their company.”
“For some, the majority of workers will remain working within the space, however common spaces and practices will change to accommodate physical distancing and smaller groups. This could potentially be linked to law offices and some formal financial institutions.”
“For others the office will become a resource centre, collaboration hub, and a space for workers to connect to the company they work for. A few will work within the office, the remainder working from home and coming into the office to collect mail, photocopy, fix IT issues and connect with other company members in social spaces designed to keep accommodate social distancing.”

“More hoteling stations – Many companies may be realizing how effectively work from home can be. With that, they may allow employees more remote working privileges even when it’s safe to return to work.”
“Integrating technology – Video calls will continue to be the way of the future, especially with limited travel. Integrating video calling capabilities into most meeting areas could become key.”

“I see it more like a “work oasis”, where people go to find: Inspiration, Innovation, High tech tools, find refuge (reverse from being at home)”
The new workplace includes people. It fosters friendlier and more flexible work settings which in turn cultivates business success.
What are some of your ideas for the future of workplace?
The Important Difference Between Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality,Forbes,
https://www.forbes.com/sites/bernardmarr/2019/07/19/the-important-difference-between-virtual-reality-augmented-reality-and-mixed-reality/?sh=5b066b8835d3 , Date Accessed July 2020