SGH Holiday Favourites
As the holidays are fast approaching, we thought it would be fun to pull together some of our SGH team’s favourite holiday recipes to share with you all in case you’re looking for something new to try this year! Here are a handful of our favourite recipes, let us know if you try any of these favourites, what you think! We would love to hear some of your favourite too!
Land of Nod Cinnamon Buns
Starting with a classic, Rebecca’s favourite is one her family always makes on Christmas morning. It’s one of those great old recipes comprised of mostly sugar and butter.
Link to the recipe : https://www.bestofbridge.com/land-of-nod-cinnamon-buns/
Cranberry-Jalapeno Salsa
Natalia’s favourite is Cranberry-Jalapeno Salsa, it’s a delicious combination of sweet and spicy and has big, bright flavours!
Here’s the link to the recipe : https://www.familyfoodonthetable.com/fresh-cranberry-salsa/
Brazilian Carrot Cake with Bridadeiro
Jessica’s favourite recipe is a Brazilian Carrot Cake with Bridadeiro.This Brazilian Carrot Cake is the easiest carrot cake you’ll ever make! Fluffy, moist, not-too-sweet and covered with lots of brigadeiro.
Here’s the link to the recipe : https://www.oliviascuisine.com/brazilian-carrot-cake/
Spiced Glazed Nuts and Pretzel Mix
Talar sent in one of her favourites for the holidays. This Spiced Glazed Nuts and Pretzel Mix. It’s Spicy, sweet, salty, and cinnamon(y), couldn’t ask for a better combination for this time of year!
Here’s the link to the recipe : https://www.davidlebovitz.com/the-best-holida/
Easy Homemade Pizza Buns
Samantha sent in this delicious Easy Homemade Pizza Bun recipe. Always a crowd favourite for her family, they’re easy to make and delicious fresh out of the oven.
Here’s the link to the recipe : https://www.seasonsandsuppers.ca/homemade-pizza-buns/
Dessi favourite is one she cooks for breakfast on Christmas morning for her family. It’s one of her go-to recipes that everyone loves, and it looks delicious!
Here’s the link to the recipe : http://www.vodkaandbiscuits.com/2014/03/06/bangin-breakfast-potatoes/